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Writer's pictureKiera Elliot

Catch up with Steph - Birth Story!

We have been a little quiet on the blogs recently as we welcomed our first tiny human, Charlotte Lee! I say ‘our’ because Charlotte has many aunties now, she’s definitely going to get shared around enough for us to claim ‘our’ Our [Ok, Steph’s] little babe came into the world on Wednesday 18th of August, 2021 weighing in at a healthy 3.7 kilos. And to be honest, we were all starting to get a little impatient haha. We managed to catch up with Steph for a coffee at the Horsham salon where we got to get all the goss – so, here it is!

Steph, tell us everything! Birth story… Firstly huge thank you to Sarah Goode for the amazing little photoshoot of Charlotte!

Hey ladies! I’ve missed you, already!! As you know, I was late almost 10 days, gosh, I was getting so frustrated as they wouldn’t induce me! When I finally went into early labour on the Monday night, I went to the hospital just to be sent home when they said I was only 1cm dilated. I managed to get to sleep and the pain seemed to subside on the Tuesday until around 4.30 in the afternoon.

- I just stayed home because I didn’t want to go in and get sent home again. I used my tens machine and had a shower until the contractions just got really close together and painful – mind you, this was like 2am, I got myself quite worked up and didn’t know what to do, so we went to the hospital.

When I went in, I was at 5cm dilated and everyone was like wow good work you got that far at home, I was like get me the f**king gas! Hahaha… I just breathed through every contraction and I was in a really good mind frame to go all the way - every contraction Jase would rub my back and just whisper “Go floppy! Relax” and remind me to relax my shoulders. I managed to get to 7cm at around 7am I think, it’s all kind of a blur now. After a few hours I still couldn’t get past 7cm, despite some assistance from morphine. By the afternoon, doctor came in and broke my waters. Still, nothing. My body went into shock from being in labour so long I was so exhausted and shaking. At about 5pm the doctor suggested we needed to have an epidural to relax. I wasn’t so much upset about having to have the epidural as I was that I would need to give birth on my back. I researched birthing techniques quite a bit and was keen to utilise gravity to have her as naturally as possible. She, however, was a little larger than we anticipated and despite giving it a great go on my hands and knees, even with the epidural, I needed some assistance. (vacuum)

Half way through Charlotte coming, the obstetrician had to do an episiotomy (cut between the vagina and butt – lovely hey?!). I was so exhausted from the lengthy labour, I literally couldn’t push.

Oh no! You poor thing. Such a beautiful thing, birth stories, hey!? Haha So, how did you get her out??

Well, the doctor said if I don’t get bubs out by 10.30pm (it was 10pm) they will have to do an emergency c-section because she was stressed from being in labour so long. I had Jase and three midwifes around me like a cheer squad.

I was watching the time and bloody pushed - at 10.18pm, we welcomed Charlotte Lee into the world!

Such a crazy feeling! So many tears of pain and excitement!

Wow, that is a huge 30 hours!! Well done you powerful mumma! She’s just beautiful. How did Jason go?

Jason was absolutely amazing throughout the entire labour and birth. I could not have done it without him! I struggled a bit with my recovery and was basically bed ridden for the first week, so Jase had to do a lot – I was just the feeding machine.

The experience has made me fall in love with Jason all over again. Watching him with Charlotte and looking after both of his girls, making sure I’m eating and getting enough sleep so I am able to care for Charlotte – I’m extremely lucky and grateful to have such a supportive partner.

Awww, I’m getting the fuzzies. Too cute! How is Charlotte feeding? Are you breastfeeding?

She has been a little champion. Charlotte latched straight onto my boob after she was born when the midwife put her on my tummy and we haven’t had any feeding issues. God, my nips hurt a bit for the first few weeks but much better now. You know you’re a mum when you get the nipple cream out!

Hahaha, oh yeah! Next level sexy right there hahaha… How is she feeding? Are you getting much rest? What a question! Is ‘rest’ even a thing as a new parent?

Actually, so far Charlotte is a great sleeper! I mean, we have our days but overall I can’t complain. Some days she only cat naps or wants to contact sleep but that’s just newborn life! And I secretly love the sleep cuddles but they are not ideal when you need to get things done during the day.

That’s so good! And, how are you going/ feeling?

I’m feeling great! I have definitely had my days and there has been a few tears. It’s such a wonderful experience but with so many changes, so quickly, it can be really challenging. I am so grateful to have amazing support around me to help us whenever we need. I am so grateful for my mum and my step dad - they literally live 5-doors down the road; we always joked when we were building about how good it will be once we have kids. I am so grateful to have them so close. My step dad is a baby whisperer. I do get upset thinking about my dad, and that he will never get to meet Charlotte. He suddenly passed away in 2019. I think when Jase and I got engaged, Dad was so excited, thinking one step ahead – grandkids! I think if I close my eyes tight enough, I can see him rocking Charlotte in the chair with the biggest grin on his face. I get pretty chocked up thinking about it. But take solace knowing Charlotte has a guardian angel looking over her, always.

I think I’m chocked up! What an emotional rollercoaster. So exciting, overwhelming, sensitive, happy, sad! Gosh! How are you & Jase adjusting to parent-life? Absolutely, all of the above. I really can’t imagine life before Charlotte now. Jase and I are an amazing team and we are always laughing and having fun. Babies can be pretty entertaining haha farts, burps etc.

Hahaha So great you’re having fun with it all! What are you enjoying the most? 100% Baby cuddles and being a mum. I feel like I have a whole new respect and appreciation for mummas. Like, you see another mum and almost do a head nod like ‘yep we gave birth, good job’. It’s so powerful.

Well, welcome to the club – you’re already killing it at the mumma thing! Now, has our previous St Kilda stylist, Kelly, had her bub yet?

YES!! Kelly had her baby the next day! And she had a girl, Layla. Future besties for sure!! Unfortunately, due to COVID, and Kelly being in Geelong we have not been able to visit. Waiting for the day!


"My next challenge will be becoming working mumma. So far, I have popped into the Horsham salon almost every second day. It’s like our second home. I absolutely love going in to hang out, see Shannon, do some education, book work or anything I can do between feeds. I have so much going on behind the scenes - which I am so excited to share with you all very soon." Steph

It’s always such a pleasure seeing you both. Thank you for your time Steph, we’re loving watching your journey!

Catch you in the next blog! SM&CO


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